Community Recycling Hub

As a way to help the people of Perth live kinder lives we operate a collection hub for items that can be recycled, but not through your yellow-top bin.

You are welcome to use this community facility by:

  • Bringing only the items listed in this document and putting them in the correct bin
  • Bringing small amounts at a time (think household, not workplace or classroom quantities)
  • Checking this page before you come for what we’re currently collecting (it changes all the time!)
  • Please consider if you need to use these products in the future – avoidance is better than recycling and will save you a trip next time!

Be a Recycling Legend and only bring exactly what we ask for. If bins are contaminated by things we don’t collect:

  • The whole collection (yours and everyone else’s items) may get dumped in landfill and City Farm has to pay for that
  • A volunteer will have to sort through everything to take out the contaminants – this can take up to 5 hours for just one type of coffee pod if someone has dumped the wrong pods.. not a fun job!

Recyclers are extremely particular about what they accept and put through their machines. Don’t assume that because an item looks similar to things we collect that it can be added in. Careless use of this hub could mean thousands of items in landfill due to your contaiminating items.

Please download this PDF document and keep it on hand at home.

There are lots of picture examples of the correct items in the PDF. If you are collecting from a couple of people, perhaps you could print out these posters to put up!


Items we are currently collecting:

WP Data Tables


If you have large quantities of any of these items please get in touch and we can direct you to the organisation we send that item to, who may be able to accept your collection directly.


Got something we don’t collect? Head to Recycle Right for a comprehensive list of what can be recycled where in W.A.