Tree Planting

Whilst our focus is on sustainability education at our East Perth site, we love to engage our community in tree planting at other sites in Perth.


Perth City Farm has its roots in ecological restoration given we started in 1994  as an urban project of Trillion Trees (formally Men of The Trees). Trillion Trees is committed to reversing the damage caused by land clearing and habitat loss by engaging local in tree planting and landscape restoration.


A group of tree planting volunteers at an early Activate event in 2001In 2000 Activate Tree Planting Events started as a City Farm project. The events are annual tree-planting music festivals run by volunteers, uniting the love of our earth with music, art, healthy food, indigenous culture, community and great fun. The events are an effort to revegetate and repair the widespread degradation of WA’s peri-urban and regional landscapes.


Activate Tree Planting has now grown into an independent organisation and hosts up to 3 tree planting festivals in rural areas each year, planting tens of thousands of native tre

es, bush and understory, each winter while showcasing local musical talents and building strong community. The initiative has planted over one million trees already and is growing each year.

Each year in May we partner with Activate and the City of Perth to deliver a special Children’s Tree Planting Festival. This is a unique child-led experience about connecting to and caring for the earth.


Children learn how to plant their trees to ensure their survival.In 2024 seventy family groups including 120 children joined us to re-vegetate a riverside reserve in Crawley. As well as planting, there were nature art activities, face painting, storytelling, singing and even an interactive play about shorebirds featuring wearable cardboard jet-skis! Read more about the event here.


To hear about our upcoming tree planting events join our newsletter.