Resources & News

Resources & News

Permaculture Living Course 2024

We’ve held a 5-day Permaculture Living Course in October last year and it was a full success. Many people have[...]

Making flower bouquets more sustainable

Let’s take a moment to smell the roses and talk about something not so rosy: the not-so-sustainable side of the[...]

Event Recap: Children’s Tree Planting Festival 2024

There were genuine moments of magic at our Children’s Tree Planting Festival last Sunday, a unique child-led experience about connecting[...]

Intro to Fermented Hot Sauces

Chillis are a wonderful plant to grow in the Perth climate as they love warm temperatures and lots of sun.[...]

Making Refreshing Botanical Beverages

We are pretty spoiled these days with the many different non-alcohol beverages options when going out. But have you ever[...]

Forgotten Skills in the Kitchen

Back in the day, when electricity and food technologies like preservatives and flavourings had yet to exist, there was only[...]