Perth City Farm Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Perth City Farm Board strategy day

Perth City Farm Strategic Plan 2023


This year the board of Perth City Farm have worked to re-fresh our strategic plan to ensure we can grow our impact over the coming years, now that the worst of the pandemic has passed. We considered our last strategic plan (which was done with lots of community consultation), what was happening in our community, and what we learnt was happening for urban farms on the East coast when our CEO visited them on a study trip last year.


It became clear to us that a focus on sustainability education continues to be the space where we can have the most impact. We will do this by operating two core enterprises from our farm base: Sustainability Education and Sustainable Events.  This will move us towards achieving our vision, that Perth is a community of people living connected, sustainable lives in harmony with nature.


Of course our values will always guide the way we support people to live more sustainably. As we deliver on the strategic plan we will be inclusive, positive, kind and connected.


We’ve got a road map of how we will deliver on our ambitions which include offering a full day school excursion, being the best place in Perth to host a low waste event, and implementing a sustainability strategy for our site. As these things grow we’ll need different and expanded facilities so we’re gearing up for a significant site redevelopment in a few years.


We hope this sparks your interest and you will come along on the journey with us. Please check out the Perth City Farm Strategic Plan 2023 (thank you to volunteer Serena Pascoe from Studio Loka for the cute design) and reach out if you can help us with anything.