Resources & News

Resources & News

Stallholder Series: Kombination Seafoods

Knowing where your food comes from can help you eat healthier and more mindfully. Plus, how much nicer is when[...]

Permaculture Living Course: What to Expect

Our 5-day Permaculture Living Course is a fun, hands-on course all about empowering you to live your version of the[...]

Outdoor Play, Nature Education and Why they Matter

Getting out into nature feels great, but it’s also really good for us. Children especially benefit from intentional interactions with[...]

We have a cafe again! Introducing: Be Free.

We are thrilled to announce that the café at Perth City Farm is operating again with the wonderful team at[...]

Wedding and Event Experts

Putting together an entire event or wedding can be pretty daunting! So, we’ll give you a bit of a head[...]

Making flower bouquets more sustainable

Let’s take a moment to smell the roses and talk about something not so rosy: the not-so-sustainable side of the[...]